Your Ultimate Introduction to Internet Marketing

New to the world of Internet Marketing and unsure where to start? Or a seasoned marketer looking to refresh your knowledge on core principles? Either way, IM Gateway is designed to be your go-to resource for mastering the fundamentals of online business success.

At School We Start With The Basics, And You Should do the same with your online business!

Your teachers don't expect you to be able to do long division in your first year of elementary school. So why do internet marketers expect us to know everything right out the gate?

Everyday I see the latest and greatest new product come along which promises the world.

But none of the products that I see are catered to those of us who do not yet have the foundation of knowledge that is needed to get off to the best possible start on our online business journey.


Fact 1

Use this space to convey facts or statistics shown above, but in more detail. Use each block to dig deeper into a specific point.

Fact 2

Use this space to convey facts or statistics shown above, but in more detail. Use each block to dig deeper into a specific point.

Fact 3

Use this space to convey facts or statistics shown above, but in more detail. Use each block to dig deeper into a specific point.

at school we start with the basics, so why not in our business?

Your teachers don't expect you to be able to do long division in your first year of elementary school.

My Name is Alex Thornhill, I've worked in the internet marketing industry for over 15 years. A large chunk of my careeer has involved dealing with customer support for a large online marketing company.

More and more these days I see the same support tickets from customers and students of ours and other programs who are struggling to get things moving because they did not spend the time needed to build a foundation of knowledge in the industry.

This Headline Should Help Transition The Reader Onto The "What If's"

What if you were free from the pain that we talked about further up the page?

Use this space to help your reader to imagine what it would be like to finally be free from the problem you're proposing to solve.

The text here will depend on the niche of your product, but if for example you're selling a complete members area template, you could say something like;

"Imagine how much easier it would be if whenever you needed to launch a product, the  ridiculously time consuming and often boring task of building a members area to deliver your content was already taken care of"?

Visuals are very important here, replace the image placeholders provided with pictures that help the reader to visualise the scenario you're trying to conjure up in their mind.

One cliche'd but effective option is someone sitting on a beach with their laptop.

Again the choices made here will be heavily influenced by the niche of the product but the aim will be the same regardless.

This Headline Should Move The Reader on to Why They
Should Listen To You

Here's why you should consider buying from us: Provide a concise background about yourself, including relevant testimonials. The key is to establish yourself as an expert. The reader needs to see why you’re worth their attention, trust, and investment.

Position yourself as an authority by sharing the experiences and achievements that led to the creation of this product or service.

Highlight your qualifications and what makes you capable of offering this product. These are the questions potential customers will be curious about and answering them will help to build trust in your ability to deliver on the promise of this page.

Maintain a humble yet professional stance, demonstrating confidence without appearing desperate or smug. It's always more effective to appear self-assured rather than needy when aiming to close a sale and there's a fine line between being confident and arrogant.

This is an ideal place to include character reference videos. While product testimonials are also valuable, remember it's important to help someone know they can trust you as a person as that will heavily influence their decsion to give you their hard earned money.

Sarah Thompson

CEO, MadeupCo

"This should be used to share the experiences that others have had when dealing with you or your company."

Jeffrey Davies

Founder, Notreal&Sons

"This should be used to share the experiences that others have had when dealing with you or your company."

Why not use this section to show off some of your past acomplishments.



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This is where you reveal your product to your reader. This is the solution to the problem you illustrated above.
It's important to have a visual respresentation of your product/service, especially if it's digital. This makes the purchase more tangible and reassures your potential customer of the value of the product.

Resist the temptation to create your own graphics for this or any of the other sections unless you are a professional designer. Nothing gives off an unprofessional image more than poor quality visuals.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want to point out. This is the benefit in bold that this particular feature provides.
This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want to point out. This is the benefit in bold that this particular feature provides.
This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want to point out. This is the benefit in bold that this particular feature provides.
This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want to point out. This is the benefit in bold that this particular feature provides.
This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want to point out. This is the benefit in bold that this particular feature provides.
This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want to point out. This is the benefit in bold that this particular feature provides.

Consider A Video Tour of Your Product or Member Area

If you are using a members area to deliver your product/content then creating a brief video tour for your potential customers can be a great way to help them make a more educated purchase decision.

Take A Look at These Bonus Products You Could Have Too

If you are offering your customers bonus products with their purchase, here is where you would list them.

Your Bonus Product Title Here

Subtitle about the bonus goes here or short description

Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Aenean lacinia bibe um nulla sed consectetur lor ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisco elit cras justo odio dapibus ac facilisis in.

Eros at potenti ultricies duis mollis est non commodo luctus nisi erat porttitor
Sollicitudin tincidunt leo enim nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu
Aenean mauris iaculis cras consectetur lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Your Bonus Product Title Here

Subtitle about the bonus goes here or short description

Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Aenean lacinia bibe um nulla sed consectetur lor ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisco elit cras justo odio dapibus ac facilisis in.

Eros at potenti ultricies duis mollis est non commodo luctus nisi erat porttitor
Sollicitudin tincidunt leo enim nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu
Aenean mauris iaculis cras consectetur lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Time To Recap Your Offer And Justify Your Price

Use this section to give your readers another brief description of the problem your product solves and then try to illustrate why the solution your offer is such good value. Try to avoid cliches like "Less than the cost of a streaming service" instead focus on how much each separate component would normally cost and then when they see the actual price of your product/service further down the page, it will have a bigger impact.

This is a bullet to explain one of the components of your product or service.

$XXX Value

This is a bullet to explain one of the components of your product or service.

$XXX Value

This is a bullet to explain one of the components of your product or service.

$XXX Value

This is a bullet to explain one of the components of your product or service.

$XXX Value

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

I’m confident that you will be thrilled with XXXXXX, which is why I’m ready to take on all the risk. I invite you to put this to the test because I know that once you take advantage of this product/service you'll realise how worthy of an investment your purchase today was.

YES! I'm in!

I know once my purchase is complete i'll instantly receive the following...

FREE! Use these bullet points to remind the reader of what they get with their purchase.
FREE! Use these bullet points to remind the reader of what they get with their purchase.
FREE! Use these bullet points to remind the reader of what they get with their purchase.
FREE! Use these bullet points to remind the reader of what they get with their purchase.

Limited Time Bonus Products

FREE! Use these bullet points to remind the reader of what they get with their purchase.
FREE! Use these bullet points to remind the reader of what they get with their purchase.
FREE! Use these bullet points to remind the reader of what they get with their purchase.
FREE! Use these bullet points to remind the reader of what they get with their purchase.

Usually $97.00

Today Just $27.00


Use this section to sign off. Keep it short and concise.

Your Name Here

Use this section to include any contact information you want to share with your potential customers. As well as reassuring them that they can get in touch with you to discuss any aspect of their purchase both before or after they've decided to buy.

Here you can add any disclaimers that are needed to comply with your chosen platforms terms and conditions.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas at aliquam nibh, ac porttitor leo. Pellentesque sodales rhoncus lacus, et blandit odio scelerisque sit amet. In nec lacinia ante. Nulla sagittis ac urna quis ultricies. Curabitur tempus leo ut sapien hendrerit, quis convallis odio tincidunt. Sed tempus efficitur sagittis. Praesent euismod euismod dignissim. Morbi cursus ex nunc, non scelerisque nulla ornare in. Sed cursus turpis at libero lobortis semper. Cras commodo enim id mauris pellentesque, non auctor nibh tincidunt. Maecenas faucibus tortor bibendum, euismod mauris tempor, tempor turpis. In tortor leo, scelerisque tincidunt pretium ac, hendrerit non nisi. Proin accumsan sem et quam tristique lacinia vitae eget nisl. Nam ut fermentum lorem. Phasellus sollicitudin velit a placerat luctus.

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